Gap Custom Homes

Gap Custom Homes screenshot
Gap Custom Homes Logo

Established in 2003, GAP Custom Homes is a family-owned and operated business that constructs custom homes, additions and remodels. We met with one of their owners, Stephen Box, to build a website that will serve as a marketing tool for their business.

Houston survived one of the greatest hurricanes in August 2018. We initially worked together a month before Hurricane Harvey hit then Gap Custom Homes had to serve their neighborhood by providing disaster relief services and remodeling for homes destroyed throughout the Houston area. Once they were back to a steady pace, Gap Custom and our team set down and mapped out the plan going forward to make sure this website launch is a success.

We worked diligently with Gap Custom to incorporate the character and warmth of their team into a WordPress based website with their branding. It displays a gallery of their past projects, highlights their core services and displays their authority as a home building company.



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