How Technology Is Making It Easier to Onboard Employees

Onboarding employees can be challenging, time-consuming, and costly. However, someone from your team must take on this responsibility each time that you bring a new employee onboard. Using technology can make it a lot easier to get a new employee started and up to speed.

Training Is Much Easier

Technology makes training a new employee much more straightforward. Learning management systems allows you to track government compliance and helps to ensure that all employees receive the same information. Video conferencing enables companies to train new employees at multiple locations at the same time. The interactive learning module makes learning new material fun as opposed to having to sit in boring lectures all day. Mobile training apps allow new employees to learn on-the-go while giving them a source that they can refer back to if needed.

Minimize Errors

Technology can easily be developed in areas where new employees see the mistakes that they are making. Your record-keeping can be automated and simplified with software which allows you to notice any inaccuracies. Paperwork can be submitted without any hitches because if an answer does not fall within the norm, the program can lead the new employee through a series of steps to help them arrive at the correct answer. New employees can use chat features and interactive photography to quickly get answers to problems that they encounter without feeling pressure or having to wait until a supervisor is available. Productivity can also be charted so that employees can feel great about small steps that they are making towards meeting their goals. All of these lessen the damage caused by newbie mistakes.

Increased Engagement

Technology can help new employees feel more engaged in helping the company meet goals. New employees can be presented material that they need to know through a variety of technologies, including social media and email groups. Employees can be assigned tasks and given assignments through Dropbox, Google Drive, and a variety of other technology that they may already be familiar with, so they do not feel as intimidated. Whiteboards and forums can be used to help new employees get answers to questions quickly from more experienced team members. Allowing employees to bring their own devices to work helps to make learning feel more comfortable and less intimidating.

Using technology helps to train new employees in many different ways. You can get your new hires up to speed quicker, let them engage with older team members when they need help, and make learning more fun. Once you take the jump and try it within your company, you are almost guaranteed to love the rewards that training new employees through technology delivers.

For more advice about properly training your employees, read on, here!

Picture of George Woodard

George Woodard

My goal is to help marketing and communication teams with creative and content efforts to continue the growth of their organization’s visibility online and provide a consistent experience for your audience across all platforms.

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