3 Tips About the Google Ad Grant You Can’t Afford To Miss

Did you know that Google provides an Ad Grant for Nonprofits looking to utilize the power of their search engine marketing? The process of purchasing paid advertising on their text-based Google search network where you can drive specialized traffic to certain areas of your website. This is called PPC (short for Pay-Per-Click) marketing. 

Many nonprofits may not even know this exists, but I’m here to provide three tips about taking advantage of this.

1. Must be a registered nonprofit in your Country.

Be registered as a charitable organization in your home country. Google provides a list of eligibility requirements based on your Country (link). Sometimes countries have additional eligibility requirements, and not all are eligible. 

2. Google provides $10,000 per month in ad credits.

Yes, you read that correctly. You can apply for the Google Ad Grant program as a qualifying nonprofit. Once approved, you will receive $10,000/month in ad credits for the life of you needing to use them. Ad cost can get expensive depending on the keywords you target. Having $10k towards a marketing budget for a small nonprofit is extremely helpful.

3. You must be registered and validated with TechSoup.

TechSoup is a nonprofit international network of non-governmental organizations that provides technical support and technological tools to other nonprofits. Currently, I’m a WordPress chapter host (link). Our goal is to inform nonprofits of the exponential success gained from using such a robust piece of software. To qualify for the Google Ad Grant, you must register as a nonprofit with TechSoup. It doesn’t cost anything, and you would be one step closer to a dream ad budget.  

If you need help applying or have any questions, feel free to reach out.

All the best!

Picture of George Woodard

George Woodard

My goal is to help marketing and communication teams with creative and content efforts to continue the growth of their organization’s visibility online and provide a consistent experience for your audience across all platforms.

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