Your Proposal Savior: A Bidsketch Review

Credit: Bidsketch

If you have ever pitched services through an agency or consulting, you are all too familiar with the proposal process. Some companies have dedicated teams (usually the sales team) that take on this task, and it can still be labor-intensive, depending on your workflow. A small team or solo agency doesn’t have this luxury. The best thing for them is to have systems and technology to help them with their proposal process.

In rolls Bidsketch – a proposal creation software. No, it won’t write the content for you (although that would be nice). It will help you manage the process of creating and sending custom proposals more efficiently. 

Today, I will give an honest review of Bidsketch to introduce you to an efficient proposal workflow that is bound to help you sell better.

Bidsketch Pros

Reusable Content: Having to write proposals is a time-consuming process. Imagine having ten leads, and each needs a proposal tailored to their project needs. With Bidsketch, you can create a single template (or multiple) that will reuse the same content each time—worried about having to add in client information each time? Not a problem either. With reusable variables such as {client_name}, you can place it throughout your proposal to fill in their data and not have to remember to fill it in later. 

Automated Signing Process: If you are anything like me, automation will save you many times over. I’ve made it a point to invest in as much automation that’s reasonable to minimize human error and curb my absentmindedness (at least, I’m honest). The cool thing about Bidsketch is that you can send them an email directly from the platform with access to their proposal. Then when they click the link, their activity, signing, and sending a copy is all done by the platform. No more downloading and uploading PDF documents. 

Zapier Integration: Zapier is the greatest thing created. If you are unaware of Zapier, it’s a process automation software that will connect services and automate your workflow. Connecting Bidsketch to Zapier will allow you to:

  • Create a new client in your proposal system
  • Creates a new proposal
  • Send approved proposals to your Google Drive
  • Send Slack notifications when clients view proposals

And more. Zapier plus Bidsketch will set you up for success when pitching to clients.

Legally binding signatures: A long time ago, people conducted business by agreeing to do business with a handshake. Now that time has evolved, and litigation is becoming more expensive, signed contracts are the norm. Since things are becoming more digital, digital signatures are the wave. You must make sure that what is being signed is legally binding and will hold up in court if legal proceedings are needed. Bidsketch is compliant with international e-signature laws. All signee’s information is captured by their IP addresses, email, and other info to create an audit log of the signature. Once the proposals are signed, they are protected from any additional changes.

Bidsketch Cons

Bidsketch is an incredible platform to use. With all the great features, like everything else, there is also room for improvement. Here are a few drawbacks to using Bidsketch. 

Easier Template Design Creation: There should be an easier way to create custom designs for your templates. Bidsketch does provide configurations to control the font and colors of the design, but there is some need for more accessible design options. One possible way is to offer more custom images for the cover. Integration with a CC0 stock photography system such as Unsplash would be an excellent feature. Also, providing a visual block design editor for the cover (similar to page builders for websites) or inner pages would be a great addition. I know the founder built Bidsketch based on the psychology & science of sales proposals. Having additional templated designs of internal pages would be a great addition.

Autocomplete or click to add variables: This may be more of a personal preference than anything, but having a quicker way to add variables in content rather than write them manually would be awesome. One thing with writing proposals, the goal is to be as personalized a possible. Having to type in variables manually could run the risk of misspelling them. Then if you miss it, it would be in the final copy of the proposal sent to the customer. Either an autocomplete option from a type of shortcode or a dropdown button on the writer’s toolbar.

Additional dedicated blocks: Reusing content is the greatest thing about Bidsketch. But at some point, you will grow and need to either revamp your proposal or the client is asking for specific information that is reused in other proposals. Adding specific reusable blocks would work great here. Some of these could include Testimonials, Client References, Case Study or more. As a web developer, the Client References block would be clutch because having to tailor the references based on the client can save some time with formatting my proposal. 

Revamped Video Embedding: Providing video responses to RFPs are an untapped potential. Providing an embed for hosted videos (YouTube or Vimeo) then upload a video cover or using a screengrab would be a clutch.

Overall, I like Bidsketch. It’s a great product to own if you are regularly sending proposals to clients. Having a product that will minimize or remove the burden of error from your workflow is a win to me. 

You can check out Bidsketch and what they have to offer on their website. Drop me a line and let me know what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts.

All the best!

Picture of George Woodard

George Woodard

My goal is to help marketing and communication teams with creative and content efforts to continue the growth of their organization’s visibility online and provide a consistent experience for your audience across all platforms.

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